Employment Welfare & Debt

Croydon branch of South West London Law Centres

They can help you with free and confidential debt advice and support.

Telephone: 020 8767 2777 (option 1)

Website: www.croydon.gov.uk

Email: debt@swllc.org

Citizens Advice Croydon

Citizens Advice Croydon provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues, including debts, welfare benefits, housing, employment, consumer rights and relationships.

Facebook: Citizens-Advice-Bureau-Croydon

Twitter: @croydoncab

Website: www.citizensadvicecroydon.org

Healthy Homes

Are you a family struggling to heat your home and pay your fuel bills? If you own your home or rent it from a private sector landlord then Croydon Healthy Homes may be able to help. This scheme is aimed at families at risk of being in fuel poverty or with a member living with a medical condition which could be exacerbated by living in a cold home.

Telephone: 0800 292 2529 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

Website: www.croydon.gov.uk